Sunday, September 23, 2012

Old Love (Grow Old With Someone in Love)

What a day. I mean really, what a day - do you ever have those days where you wonder how you got through them and struggle to keep your attitude of glass half full? That was my day today. I have a job that I love with a capital L but it can be hectic sometimes (as all of our jobs can be). Amongst all the chaos today though I had something that has never happened in my life before - I met for the first time a person who was 100 years old. We get lots of requests at my office for 50th & 60th wedding anniversary's and for 100th birthdays but never have I met the 100 year old person who we organise the certificates for. She was beautiful, sweet, and had an aura about her that can't be explained in words. As with all couples that are celebrating incredible milestones with marriage or age, I always ask the same question....

what's your secret to love & age?

Today's post I want to share with you some of that beautiful real life advice I've been blessed to receive from them over the years.
  • Don't ever let there be a boss in a relationship, be equal - but occasionally let the other person win the fights.
  • Never go to bed mad at one another.
  • Ensure that you don't just love one another, you have to like one another. You can love your partner or family, but you have to respect and like them as a person too (I adored this piece of advice).
  • Make sure you laugh together & at one another every single day. If you haven't laughed at one another during the day, stand in front of the mirror naked together at the end of the night (this was told to me by a gorgeous couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary).
  • Just get on with life. It's as simple as that. Roll with the punches, it's going to throw you things you don't like but just keep going (real advice from a 100 year old)
  • Always, always enjoy what you do.
I can't begin to explain the gratitude I have for others willing to share with me their real life advice on life and love so I hope these simple tips do as much for you as they have for me. Do you have some tips you've been given from elders? I'd love to hear it!!


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