Saturday, November 10, 2012

Windows 8 commercial song - Lenka : Everything At Once (Music Video)

Everything At Once by Lenka, Windows 8 commercial song. For those who are asking - there isn't a full official video (the dance sections were taken from a Lenka commercial that covered less than half the song), so i put together several videos to make one. Hope you guys like it! :)

As sly as a fox, as strong as an ox
As fast as a hare, as brave as a bear
As free as a bird, as neat as a word
As quiet as a mouse, as big as a house

All I wanna be, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything

As mean as a wolf, as sharp as a tooth
As deep as a bite, as dark as the night
As sweet as a song, as right as a wrong
As long as a road, as ugly as a toad

As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture
Strong like a family, strong as I wanna be
Bright as day, as light as play
As hard as nails, as grand as a whale

All I wanna be oh, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything
Everything at once
Everything at once, oh
Everything at once

As warm as the sun, as silly as fun
As cool as a tree, as scary as the sea
As hot as fire, cold as ice
Sweet as sugar and everything nice

As old as time, as straight as a line
As royal as a queen, as buzzed as a bee
Stealth as a tiger, smooth as a glider
Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be

All I wanna be oh, all I wanna be, oh
All I wanna be is everything
Everything at once

Other Music Videos made by me: 
Katy Perry - ET (without Kanye West):

One Direction - Little Things:

Little Mix - Wings:

Let me know if you have any other songs in mind you want me to make a music video for...:)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Awkward Love, it's more hurt than a relationships

Hai Guys!

Just want to share something..

Today as usual, boring, nothing interesting ..

On Monday, I was obliged to get up early, then  ceremonies, and drowsiness come to me. Damn, after school there should be an additional lesson that we call local content. Oh, god.

Well, to the topic. I back to home from school and go back to school again for basketball.

And you know what, I saw him! yes, once agaaaain I SAW HIM!!!!!!!!!

I've been waited for him such for a long time, to train and teached us for play basketball. And I've been waited for talk or just saw his smile, actually :D <3

We kept playing, until the day the night. Finally, almost all of our friends go home. Except me and some of my friends, and he and his friends.

He ask us to play together, omg who want to refuse! then we choosed a team and I get him omg -_-

Ya, we just play until the day was really dark. Then I decided to go home, I smile to him but I think its just useless, he never know that I always smile to he, and he never knew that I keep some feelings for him, ok great!  :)